Category: Retail Tech Innovation

ITA 2019: The collaboration process in Industry 4.0, Business landscape

via ITA 2019: The collaboration process in Industry 4.0 The Innovate Textile & Apparel Europe conference returned to Amsterdam in October, bringing delegates together from across textile market to…

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15 e 16 Novembre | Strategy Innovation Forum 2019

Siamo giunti alla quinta edizione di SIF, Strategy Innovation Forum, l’unico think tank italiano sull’innovazione strategica. Il SIF si tiene il 15 e il 16 novembre prossimi a Venezia, ed…

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WTiN: How personalisation tech can eradicate homogeny in fashion (interview to Andrey Golub, CEO ELSE Corp)

In exploration of personalisation, Otis Robinson summarises the technologies and challenges associated with the trend, the manufacturing models textile leaders may soon use to revolutionise the industry, and the ways manufacturers might engage with end-users in the future.

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Big Data Days 2019: See you in Moscow! #BigDataDays

Big Data Days 2019: International Big Data, Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Conference  October 8-10, MOSCOW- Russia Big Data Days is a conference with technical talks in the fields of…

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Strategy Innovation Forum: Gli Impatti di Intelligenza Artificiale e Blockchain sui modelli di business

Strategy Innovation Forum  15-16 novembre 2019, Campus Economico di San Giobbe Gli Impatti di Intelligenza Artificiale e Blockchain sui modelli di business Quanto tempo impiegherà l’Intelligenza Artificiale (IA) per superare…

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(RU) Мастер-класс “Искусственный интеллект в индустрии моды” в Школе IT-менеджмента РАНХиГС

Мастер-класс “Искусственный интеллект в индустрии моды” в Школе IT-менеджмента РАНХиГС 11 октября 2019 в 19 часов в помещении Школы IT-менеджмента пройдет мастер-класс отличного спикера и удачливого предпринимателя Андрея Голуба. О…

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Global Footwear Digital Transformation Summit 2019: See you in Shanghai!

venue: The Longemont Hotel Shanghai, 1116 West Yan An Road, Changning District, Shanghai, China date: September 23, 24, 2019 organizer: ECV International web: Global Footwear Digital Transformation Summit 2019…

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(RU) Цифровая трансформация модной индустрии России необходима, и делать это нужно прямо сейчас

via, story by Irina Schelkunova В рамках деловой программы выставки «Интерткань-2019. Осень» прошло заседание комитета по цифровым технологиям Союзлегпрома и «Кластера РАЭК/ Fashion Tech» «Цифровая трансформация fashion-индустрии». Модератором выступил…

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China market expectation for mass customization, product personalization and made to order

via The customization trend of the 2000s is having a global comeback, and fashionistas have embraced it, proving to naysayers that the days of conspicuous consumption in China are…

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