Leather Working Group (LWG) and Leather Naturally (LN) are introducing this global initiative

World Leather Day 2022

To encourage organizations within the leather industry to positively promote the great material leather and to make everyone aware of the positive attributes of leather!


Well-made leather lasts a long time and unlike most man-made, or synthetic materials it gets better with age, acquiring a depth of patina and wear pattern pattern that is individual to the user – much like a favourite pair of jeans. As we mindfully look for ways to lower consumption, leather very much fits with the ethos of ‘buy less, buy better’. Investing in quality leather products, is investing for the future.


Leather is versatile. The skills of the leather makers take the same basic raw material and turn it into a many different ‘fabrics’ with different qualities and benefits. Leather can be engineered to be durable enough for furniture yet soft enough for comfort footwear. It will make the finest dress gloves or protective, abrasion resistant motorcycling gloves. Leather makes the most supple of jackets or the firmest of walking boots.


Leather itself is upcycled from a waste product that would otherwise go to landfill. It is long lasting. It can be repaired. At the end of product life, leather can be re-purposed or recycled. It is therefore the perfect material for circular economy.

As World Leather Day 2022 is only just around the corner, both LWG and LN recognize that many organizations across the sector would want to get involved in 2023!