Category: Additive Manufacturing

Save the Date: 4-th Vietnam Footwear Summit, Ho Chi Minh- 20,21 March 2019!

4-th Vietnam Footwear Summit 20th Mar, 2019 to 21st Mar, 2019 at The Reverie Saigon Vietnam Footwear Summit 2019 Main Topics around: Development Status and Challenges of the Vietnamese Footwear…

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ELSE Corp Illustra le 5 Fasi dell’Evoluzione del Settore Beauty al Cosmoprof 2019

ELSE Corp Illustra le 5 Fasi dell’Evoluzione del Settore Beauty al Cosmoprof 2019 Milano, 15 Marzo 2019 – ELSE Corp – a Virtual Retail Company, startup italiana che lavora sullo…

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RTFS Saga, episode 4: From 3D CAD in Fashion to Personal Style Patterns- Virtual Couture Fashion 2019

VIRTUAL COUTURE FASHION™: A REAL TIME FASHION SYSTEM Virtual Couture Fashion™, is a vision for a new Real Time Fashion System bringing AI driven design, new technologies, a new value…

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Global Footwear Executive Summit, Hong Kong- SAVE THE DATE

Global Footwear Executive Summit, Hong Kong- 12 Mar 2019 Do not miss the Global Footwear Executive Summit, held in Hong Kong on 12 Mar 2019 to gain actionable insights on…

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Touring Flowbuilt, the First Custom Shoe Factory- Outside Magazine

via Touring Flowbuilt, the First Custom Shoe Factory And what it could mean for the future of footwear Within five minutes of entering the Flowbuilt factory, north of Bellingham,…

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FOOTWEARISM 2019: techies and creatives literally meet in the middle at SIMAC and Lineapelle

via FOOTWEARISM:  the conference at SIMAC/Lineapelle where techies & creatives join forces On Febuary 21, 2019 we are organising a groundbreaking new conference in Milan, Italy, called FOOTWEARISM!  Nowadays you…

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Techno Fashion: Fashion, Tech & Law – La moda del futuro

via Fashion, Tech & Law – La moda del futuro Lo Studio Legale e Tributario CBA, presso la sua sede in San Babila a Milano, ha organizzato di recente un…

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3 Ways Industry 4.0 Will Impact Retail- PTC

via 3 Ways Industry 4.0 Will Impact Retail by Greg Kaminsky As Industry 4.0 unfolds into the rise of smart, advanced manufacturing, many industries will be forever changed by…

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