Tag: theMicam

ELSE.shoes Presents: 3D Virtual Boutique, powered by E.L.S.E.

ELSE Corp, a Virtual Retail Company, will be attending MICAM85 (11/14 Feb 2018), to present the updates on else.shoes™, their innovative experimental cloud platform for 3D Mass Customization in footwear,…

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SAVE THE DATE: 3D Retail Revolution, next step – else.shoe at MICAM 2018

SAVE THE DATE: ‘3D Retail Revolution’ is ready for the next step – else.shoes™ at MICAM 2018 ELSE Corp sarà a MICAM, l’esibizione B2B internazionale dedicata alle calzature che si terrà a…

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COLLEZIONI: A theMICAM nasce else.shoes, Una piattaforma integrale per la customizzazione di massa nell’industria calzaturiera

via collezioni.info A theMICAM nasce else.shoes Una piattaforma integrale per la customizzazione di massa nell’industria calzaturiera www.else-corp.com www.themicam.com A theMICAM, il salone B2B dedicato alle calzature che ha chiuso i…

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ELSE Corp and its Partners on Shoe Intelligence: Strong interest for Else Corp’s virtual reality and personalization system

The text below is an extract from the recent report by EDM Publications Strong interest for Else Corp’s virtual reality and personalization system A start-up company, Else Corp, launched an…

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Virtual Retail e Predictive Analytics, insieme a Berlino per l’evento PI Apparel 2017

Virtual Retail e Predictive Analytics, insieme a Berlino per l’evento PI Apparel 2017 ELSE Corp e Predit presenteranno la loro roadmap verso una soluzione comune per la “Customizzazione di Massa…

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Virtual Retail and Predictive Analytics, together in Berlin for PI Apparel 2017

Virtual Retail and Predictive Analytics, together in Berlin for PI Apparel 2017 ELSE Corp and Predit will present their joint business and technology roadmap for “Predictive Mass Customization” 25 October…

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fashion Illustrated: ELSE Corp e Microsoft portano il virtual retail sul mercato russo

via TECH COUTURE & VIRTUAL SHOES ELSE Corp e Microsoft portano il virtual retail sul mercato russo Dopo il lancio di ELSE.shoes™, sul mercato B2B europeo, durante la Fiera theMICAM,…

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Tech Couture e Virtual Shoes su Azure: ELSE Corp e Microsoft portano l’innovazione di Virtual Retail sul mercato Russo

Tech Couture e Virtual Shoes su Azure ELSE Corp e Microsoft portano l’innovazione di Virtual Retail sul mercato Russo Milano, 3 Ottobre 2017 – Dopo il lancio di successo della…

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Tech Couture and Virtual Shoes on Azure: ELSE Corp and Microsoft bring Virtual Retail to the Russian market

Tech Couture & Virtual Shoes on Azure ELSE Corp and Microsoft bring the Virtual Retail innovation to the Russian market  Milan, October 3, 2017 – Following the successful launch of…

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Launch of else.shoes™ & 3D Retail Revolution, theMicam 2017- Milan: EVENT VIDEO

Launch of else.shoes™ & 3D Retail Revolution, theMicam 2017- Milan At theMICAM, the international B2B exhibition dedicated to footwear, ELSE Corp– a Virtual Retail Company, along with its main business…

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