
Supply chain disruptors shaking up the fashion industry

By Samantha Sault, via just-style.com Innovators are helping to create next-generation supply chains On-demand apparel assembly, local-for-local production, manufacturer-matching and transparency mapping are among the innovative new concepts starting to…

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WhichPLM: Fashion Trends are Reciprocal, but is the Fashion Supply Chain?

via Fashion Trends are Reciprocal, but is the Fashion Supply Chain? Here WhichPLM’s fit expert, Mark Charlton, shares his views on the changing ways apparel is manufactured in fashion, and what…

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Organizations must address ethics in AI to gain public’s trust and loyalty- Capgemini Research Institute

The ethical use of AI is becoming fundamental to winning people’s trust, a new study from the Capgemini Research Institute has found. As organizations progress to harness the benefits of AI, consumers, employees and citizens are watching closely and are ready to reward or punish behavior. Those surveyed said that they would be more loyal to, purchase more from, or be an advocate for organizations whose AI interactions are deemed ethical.

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China’s AI Governance Principles for the New Generation Artificial Intelligence

via Governance Principles for the New Generation Artificial Intelligence–Developing Responsible Artificial Intelligence Governance Principles for the New Generation Artificial Intelligence–Developing Responsible Artificial Intelligence National Governance Committee for the New Generation…

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