inTAIL 2018

International B2B Conference on AI technologies for Retail

Show Off Your Retail Brain!

inTAIL (Intelligent Retail, AI Driven Retail) is an annual International Conference and Industry Innovation Show-Case event, aiming to become a recognized knowledge sharing platform for the Retail Industry’s leading companies- retailers, brands, technology and business providers, industry experts and analysts, research institutions and market driven innovation, joining industry knowledge sharing and B2B Networking.

An industry experts meeting point to share and discuss the visions, next generation strategies and business models for the Future of Retail, and the role of modern technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, BigData, AR-VR-MR, IoT, Computer Vision and Robotics in the Digital Transformation happening now in Retail. See how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is changing how we do retail business, transforming the myth of AI into concrete business opportunities.

Artificial Intelligence as rapidly demonstrating to be a real game changer for the Retail industry, independently from target markets and industry sectors, introducing a complete change of paradigm: from “big data speaks information” to “the market of a single customer”, from “the world of Intelligent Things” to “robots at the retail floor” – the retail business will never be the same, the AI Retail Revolution is knocking at our doors! Let’s discuss together how AI can become a coherent part of the Retail strategies, risks and challenges faced with implementation, along with the advantages, and finally how the AI can be effectively monetized.


The focus will be on practical analysis, high level presentations, real life examples and hands on advice from business leaders, discussing how they are benefiting from the advances of AI. It’s a call to action for the international retailers and their potential business and technology partners- come and see, tell your story, be heard and understood, share and showcase, listed and talk about the industry best practices and implementation cases from the real innovators, understand new technologies and discover new market strategies: come to “touch” the industry innovation and meet those who already makes it happen. From the Industry’s state of the art, analytics and strategy, to the real practical implementation show cases, as a first hands message. From Conference to individual seminars and private talks- everything to push your business at a high speed to the era of In-(telligent) Retail.

Opportunity to network with leading business strategists, decision-makers, leading practitioners, IT providers as well as visionary start-up entrepreneurs.


  • Fashion & Luxury
  • Beauty & Cosmetics
  • Consumer Goods, Electronics
  • Home & Garden,
  • E-Commerce & Mobile
  • Food Retail
  • Travel Retail
  • Store of the Future

A dedicated expert-coordinator x each vertical

Are you a top Manager or a Startupper, a key Decision Maker/ CxO or Technology Professional, working in or with Retail (any sector, such a Apparel, GDO, Electronics, or Digital Services), this event is not to miss, in order to be perfectly tuned into the world of innovation on each and every level.

This event is a must attend for any retail business that is currently trying to understand how AI will affect their company.

  • State of the art and latest projects from thought leaders and industry experts
  • Opportunities to network with senior European retailers, leading enterprises
  • Meeting international retail CEOs and business leaders, discuss the latest industry updates
  • Meet C-Level decision makers, incl. CEOs, CTOs, CIOs, COOs, Heads of IT, Heads of Strategy, Heads of Digital Transformation, Heads of Innovation